Cookie Policy

BUYNSELLAVL Cookie Policy: How We Use Cookies to Enhance Your Experience

BuynSellAVL uses cookies to enhance your experience on our platform. This policy explains what cookies are, how we use them, and your options for managing them.


At BUYNSELLAVL, we strive to provide a user-friendly and personalized experience for all our visitors. This cookie policy explains what cookies are, how we use them on our platform, and the options you have to manage your cookie preferences.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that websites store on your device (computer, smartphone, tablet) when you visit them. These files contain your browsing activity and preferences on that specific website. When you revisit the site, the cookie information can be retrieved, allowing the website to recognize you and potentially customize your experience.

Types of Cookies Used by BUYNSELLAVL

BUYNSELLAVL utilizes different cookies to serve various purposes and enhance your experience on our platform. Here's a breakdown of the main cookie categories we use:

Essential Cookies: These cookies are critical for the basic functionality of our website. They enable you to navigate the platform, access secure areas, and use essential features like shopping carts and wish lists. Without these cookies, some services cannot be provided. These cookies do not track your browsing activity or collect personal information.

Session Cookies: These temporary cookies are stored on your device only during your current browsing session. They are automatically deleted once you close your browser window. Session cookies may be used for tasks like remembering items you added to your shopping cart or keeping you logged in while browsing the platform.

Analytics Cookies: We use analytics cookies to collect anonymous data on user behavior and website usage. This information helps us understand how visitors interact with our platform, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately optimize your browsing experience. Analytics cookies track the pages you visit, how long you stay on them, and the links you click. This data is anonymized and does not identify you personally.

Preference Cookies: These cookies remember your preferences and settings on BUYNSELLAVL, such as your preferred language or display settings. This personalizes your browsing experience and eliminates the need to re-set preferences on every visit.

Third-Party Cookies: In some instances, BUYNSELLAVL may integrate third-party services like social media plugins or advertising tools. These third-party services may also place cookies on your device. The privacy policies of the respective third-party companies govern the data collected by these cookies. We recommend reviewing their policies for more information.

Your Cookie Preferences

BUYNSELLAVL respects your privacy and your right to control your cookie preferences. Most web browsers allow you to manage your cookies through their settings. Here, you can typically choose to:

  • Accept all cookies
  • Block all cookies
  • Be notified before a cookie is stored

You can also manage cookies specific to BUYNSELLAVL by adjusting your browser settings. Please note that disabling certain cookies may affect the functionality of our platform and your overall browsing experience.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our cookie policy or your preferences, feel free to contact us.